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Blog (Page 4)

Wakefield Castrol Motor Oil History
Wakefield Castrol Motor Oil History

The history of Wakefield Castrol Motor Oil, its inventor Sir Charles Wakefield, and the innovations that shaped lubrication and motorsports.

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The story of the iconic yellow-blue Weetabix tin box
The Story Of The Iconic Yellow-blue Weetabix Tin Box

Explore the history of the Weetabix company and its iconic yellow-blue tin box.

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The History Of The Miners Lamp
The History Of The Miners Lamp

Uncover the fascinating history of the company that created the iconic Welsh miner's lamp.

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The History of Paul Vigot, G. Löwensohn, and Parisian Fold-Out Human Anatomy
The History Of Paul Vigot, G. Löwensohn, And Parisian Fold-Out Human Anatomy

Explore the fascinating history of the creators behind the antique fold-out human anatomy and where it was used.

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William Ford Stanley and His Inventions
William Ford Stanley And His Inventions

Discover the life and inventions of William Ford Stanley, a pioneer in precision engineering, whose groundbreaking instruments revolutionized surveying, drawing, and scientific exploration.

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Edwin 'Percy' Baker: A Legend on the Bowling Greens
Edwin 'Percy' Baker: A Legend On The Bowling Greens

"For more than 30 years Percy Baker has been the dominating figure of English Bowls with four single titles and more championships than any other player." - Times, 18 August 1967, p. 10

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